Friday, March 9, 2012

If you read anything I write PLEASE READ THIS!

Pleaseeeeeeeeee.......I implore everyone that follows me to please take thirty minutes of your day to read this. I don't have kids and I never felt like I had to do anything more than to finish out my life and leave this earth. However...I was born with a heart and it bleeds like everyone elses, and when my husband showed me this, I cried. We both did. At the 5th minute of this video...NO KID SHOULD utter the words that he did. His name is Jacob. Yes...Jacob a name we know in this fandom very well. You can hear the will to fight to live in Jacob until you get to the seventh minute. He is ready to give up. We can't let that happen. If I could adopt Jacob I would, but I can barely feed myself. What I can do is ask everyone to take this time to watch and do what you can. I think the one that made this movie is the most honest father in the world and an awesome dad. He presents a photo of a Monster to his son on the ninth minute. Not the kind that hangs out in a closet. The VERY REAL KIND and you can ask any kid in Africa about this one. I am sure they know of him. What blows me away is the way that his son's face goes from happy to a deeper thought than any kid should have to think of. He is smart and adorable and he could be Jacob. When his little brow furrows at the end of the tenth minute, I can't stop my own tears. From 10:44 to 11:39 you will have chills. Then you will gasp at the magnitude of what destruction this monster has done and when they zoom in on Jacob you grasp what is really going on in a country my government is ignoring. Well NOT anymore. WE have to find this man. He needs to be stopped by any means necessary. If I can pull twenty dollars out of my wallet for a book, I can pull that same twenty out to help repair and protect what these kids have experienced. That same twenty dollars could help alert them to where this Monster strikes next with a warning system. I implore everyone to watch this video and even if you can just share it with someone else, we can stop this man and save innocent kids that didn't choose to live in this world. I now have a reason to rethink that I am not here just to breathe air and stop when my time is up. Even though I don't have a legacy of my own....I can leave one for Jacob...and every kid that is born into this world after. Please...share this with whomever you can. It only takes a moment to let thousands know what is going on. Thank you. Drea aka...Robshandmonkey

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