Friday, September 9, 2011

Chapter 59 Choose your weapon


Chapter 59

Choose your weapon

“You are a fascinating creature dearest Edward.”

“Am I?”

Aro gently grins as he nods. “You remind me a lot of myself when I was a few thousand years younger.”

“I am nothing like you Aro.” Edward protested.

“Oh but you are.”

“No Aro…I am not. I do not deny that I live the life of a Dominant, but that and a desire to rule the world are not even in the same league. It isn’t on my list of things to accomplish.”

“Oh really?”


“You don’t think being called Master has a certain air about it? Especially when it’s a Master of all things?” Aro waves his hand around dramatically.

“That has nothing to do with playing the role of a Dominant in ones sex life!”

“But you like being on top.”

“I am not a monster that wants to rule the world.”

“No…but you still have something that makes you superior among everyone else in the world, and you like that feeling.”

“What are you getting at?” Edward looks at him skeptically trying to really focus on Aro’s thoughts.

Come on child don’t you think we know?

“Know what…you aren’t giving anything away.”

Stephan and Vladimir enter the room and Edward turns to face them.

“We thought that we would make a deal with you Edward.”

Edward stood there in front of the three vampires and waited to see what they were about to offer him.

“Alec, bring her in.” Aro calls out.

Edward stands there when the scent of a human hits his senses. He flares his nostrils and knows that scent. It is familiar, but he hasn’t placed it yet. He searches for a mind.

His gift is rendered useless when those around him know of it and can master the ability to hide shit from him and he wasn’t hearing anything at first, until the doors flew open.

“Let go of me motherfucker!” Edward stiffens when he hears her voice.

Aro eyes light up with a sick satisfaction that he got at least an infinite amount of a reaction to his surprise. He smiles like the devil now watching the expression on Edward’s face when Rosalie Hale is now being pulled into the rotunda by Alec with force  shoving her.

Edward’s instincts kick in and he hisses and crouches. Her blood smells good and he cannot stop his predatory instincts from kicking in, however they are at war with the fact that Rosalie is his beloved brother’s mate and she should not be here.  

His eyes meet with hers, the rage coursing up through his core as he clenches his fists. He has to think and do it quickly!

“What the fuck is the meaning of this Aro? What is the point of her being here?” He yells.

“Oh Edward, you really are out of sorts since you met her haven’t you?” Aro mused.

“You son of a bitch!” Rosalie lunges for Edward and Alec lets her go as she descends on him yelling and screaming at the top of her lungs.

“You killed my best friend!”

Edward defends himself the only way he can holding his hands up to grip her wrists before she lays a hand on him. He tries to be gentle hoping he can fight her off without injury.

Laughter rings out behind him as he holds her at bay. The anger is astounding.

“Rose please!” he yells.

“Please what? Why Edward!! Damn it! If you would have just clued me in!! Why the fuck couldn’t you let me say goodbye to her?!”

“Rosalie she isn’t dead.” His tone lowers and softens.

“The hell she isn’t!” A sob escapes her and she collapses on the floor on her knees in front of him. She is exhausted from the toll traveling, not eating and her body is making her aware of the aches from the crash. Her heart broke for the love she had with her best friend. However, more than anything Rosalie is discovering that being this far away from Emmett is wearing her down too. She misses her own vampire.

Edward stands there with Rosalie sobbing at his feet, not knowing how to deal with this. When Isabella cried all he could do was hold her. Is this what she needed? Could he do this? He doesn’t think twice as he kneels down to console her and strangely enough, she allows him to do so.

His eyes look over her shoulder, her body shakes as she releases so much more than Edward expected. Then out of nowhere, Vladimir’s thoughts have captured his attention.

Let go of her!

Edward cocks his head as he listens paying better attention to the Prince’s thoughts.

His eyes narrow and a small lift of his lip curves up. He almost forget that he has Rosalie  still clinging to him while her sobs die down.

His eyes dart back to Aro who looks on with an amused expression of his own.

“Why is she here?” Edward mutters the question…not wanting to really hear the answer.

“You certainly have faltered Edward. Who knew a Queen could render a King so useless.” Stephan said as he moved to sit in the large wooden throne that sat perched over the room.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He growls.

“It means my dear boy that your about to learn a valuable lesson in strategy.”

Edward narrows his eyes at Stephan focusing in on him. We want to make you an offer you can’t refuse.

“Cut the shit and just tell me what the fuck you want from me!”

Stephan smiles and looks over at Vladimir who cannot take his eyes off the distraught blonde on the floor in Edward’s arms.

“Unhand her.” Vladimir’s voice commands him. He has had enough of this display.  

“Excuse me?” Edward turns to face him

“You heard me. Get your motherfucking hands off her!” he growls, crouches and stalks around the two, circling them like a hyena ready to take down a wounded animal.

Edward’s devotion to his brother chips away at his resolve. There is only one way this will end. He hisses still crouched and puts himself between the vampire prince and Rosalie.

Stephan glares at his son for his choice of foul language, worried now that Rosalie is rubbing off on him already.

“No!” Edward refuses with a stern warning.

“She will be mine.” He scowls.

Edward stands at full height now, brining up Rosalie to stand with him in an attempt to protect her.

“There is no way in fuck that I will let you have her! I cannot allow you to do this! She belongs to my brother!”

Rosalie eyes widen as she realizes what is transpiring between the two vampires. Her adrenalin floods her bloodstream and fear courses through her. Edward can feel the warmth of her body pressed against his back. Her fist clenches onto the back of his jacket. He shifts his position so that she is half behind and half beside him. Her face is so close to his, her hot breath blowing over his face. Her eyes dart from Edward to the Prince and then back to Edward. His jaw drops slightly parting his lips and she watches in fascination as his teeth shift like magic one set disappears under his lip while two other sets of fangs make their appearance in their place. There is a collective gasp in the room from several different vampires.
Aro and Stephan share a glance at one another but they are hiding something from Edward blocking their thoughts. Stephan almost looks nervous while Aro smiles wickedly and Vladimir is preparing to make a claim and is ready to fight.

“Edward what’s going to happen? What does he want?” Rosalie whispers but her words are normal to the others occupying the room.

“His intention is to claim you as his mate.” He says, the words coming out through his tightly clenched teeth.

“So that means that he wants to bite me?” Her fear raises a notch higher, testing Edward’s self control. He curses for being thirsty.   

“Yes among other things.” He murmurs not wanting to upset her any more.

Rosalie’s eyes widen and the scent of fear now floods his nostrils, venom pools in his mouth and he swallows it back trying to douse the fire in his throat.

“Edward…” her voice is now almost childlike and she is now shaking. “I wanted it to be Emmett…I don’t want anyone else.” The scent of salt is now added to the mix as his nostrils now flare wider.

Edward narrows his eyes listening to Vladimirs thoughts or his plan for his next move, but once Vladimir makes the decision, he has to let her know.

“I am sorry Rosalie, I wished it could be , but It can’t be Em.”

“What? No! Why?”

“We don’t have time.” Edward moves faster than a bullet and he turns just a fraction of an inch. His head turns slightly as he doesn’t try to tip off Vladimir to his plan. Edward’s eyes bore into hers as he looks at her. Her brow furrows and he tries so hard to apologize without saying the actual words before she knows what he is about to do.

He moves so slowly but his words fill her ear with his heartfelt apologies, “Find it in your heart someday to forgive me.” His hand is already in position. It slides up grips under the back of the nape of her neck, his other arm comes around behind her back and he bends her back so fast she doesn’t even realize it until the room shifts upside down and an ice cold tongue licks her throat before his razor sharp teeth sink into her neck.

She doesn’t even have time to scream or to protest. He decides that he may as well feed first and he draws several long draws before he floods her blood stream with his deadly venom.

“NO!!!!!!” Vladimir yells as he lunges for the pair but it is far too late.

Rosalie is thrown to the ground in the scuffle, her hands holding her throat as she coughs and chokes out not about to brace the fall.

Edward and Vladimir are nothing but a blur in the room as they battle. It only takes a few broken marble pillars and a few benches before two of Edwards large escorts from earlier have him by the arms holding him back.

Edward’s nostrils pick up the even strong scent of blood and his eyes drop down to see that Rosalie has been knocked out cold. She must of hit her head on the marble floor. A familiar pool of blood spills out from under her tousled blond locks reminding him of a time when those locks were brown and he felt that hint of pain grip at his heart for the memory.

“Take them both down to the chambers!!” Stephan yells, his voice laced with anger. Vladimir stands over her but his eyes are boring into Edwards.

“Don’t tell me you can’t smell him on her!” Edward growls. “She is already spoken for!”

“Then why the fuck didn’t he claim her before now?!” Vladimir yells.

Edward relaxes some and he gives a half-smug grin as he says, “We were waiting for her to ask for it, and it wasn’t until now that she did. I just decided to stand in for my brother since none of you, have the balls to abduct the size of a vampire like Emmett!” his voice raises and so does his temper.

He knows that Emmett will be elated the next time he sees Rosalie. That is if he ever sees her because Edward is pretty sure neither of them will be going anywhere anytime soon. Rosalie made the decision on her own and Edward followed through and acted on it and he will have no regrets, because if anyone deserves to be loved, it is his dopey big brother.


Edward paces the front of the caged chamber that they are in. Rosalie is lying on a wooden bench bleeding from the head wound while Edward fights off his beast to not finish her off. There is no airflow in the chamber and her blood permeates everything around him. He hisses and yanks his jacket off tearing the arm of the sleeve off and trying to tie a bandage around her head. He puts pressure on it swallowing back venom as he curses.

Fucking Christ…why the fuck didn’t I think this shit through! Three fucking days of her locked in and forced to listen to her burn.

He lets out a rush of air and tries to hold his breath. He is certain that she is going to wake up with one hell of temper and that is definitely NOT a good thing.

“Fucking  newborns!” He scowls. His thoughts go to her and he amends the thought when he knows that he wouldn’t mind being with a sassy little brunette newborn right now.

Edward is in for a hell of long three days ahead!


Emmett watches over Isabella on the flight down South. She paces the aircraft at vampire speed.

“Relax baby girl. It is only human blood.”

She turns to him and looks at him incredulously.

She grits her teeth and whisper in anger. “Yeah human blood that I want to drink!”

The pilot of the plane is human. Emmett didn’t want to waste time having Peter fly all the way up to get her back down South with his family. A human pilot was his only option, but he could protect the guy from her if needed. Besides this would be a great test for her control. He would not leave her alone on the ranch and although she was certain that this had something to do with Aro because Edward said so, her temper flared when Emmett told her he was sure that Rosalie was abducted by vampires. It took everything for Emmett to calm down the sassy little girl.
She was strong, new, and volatile.

“Bella please sit down. You worry me that your strength is going to propel you right out the side of the plane.”

“Fine.” She scowls but, cautiously sits down next to him and feigns a false smile.

“We will find them.” He assures her.

She nods chewing her lip now.  

“He knew and he didn’t say anything. He knew they were dangerous, he let himself be the hero and somehow convinced them to let me stay behind. What is the deal with this Aro?”

Emmett sighs and says, “It was never my story to tell, but since my idiot of a brother is well….an idiot.” He grins. “I will tell you.”

“Aro can read thoughts, but he has to touch the one who he wants to hear. When he does, he hears everything you have ever thought. He doesn’t have Edward’s gift. Aro also collects gifted vampires and to have Edward on his right arm would be of great help to any war he wages with anyone. He has wanted Edward by his side like a son of sorts. Edward would never give him that.”

Isabella sat there wondering why he would now, but Emmett answers the question before she even has to ask.

“I think he knows. I think Aro knows that Edward killed Caius and that he sacrificed his own life to protect you in retaliation. It is the only thing that I can imagine him doing that would fit. The arrogant son of a bitch!” Emmett shakes his head in anger towards his brothers actions, but he can’t help but admire him for his stupid sacrifice.
“It doesn’t matter now because he isn’t staying with that bastard. We are going after him.” Emmett reaches over to hold Bella’s hand. “I will not let Aro win. He cannot take my brother away from our family. From you!”

“So then we are still going to Italy, but to save Edward.” Bella grins up at Emmett. It is the first genuine smile he has seen come out of her since he first arrived at the ranch.

He lifts her hand kissing the back of it and nods. “Yes little sister, that we are.”


“Again!” Emmett yells after he gets up dusts himself off and lunges for Jasper.

Peter stood there and watched the two teach Isabella how to fight.

“She learns fast.” Carlisle watches fascinated by her as he steps up next to Peter. “But then again she is meant for this life.”

Peter turns to look at Carlisle. “Definitely meant for it.”

Carlisle’s eyes dart to Isabella then back to Peter. “Definitely?” he raises his brow at the young vampire standing before him.

Peter would probably blush if he were human.

Carlisle’s eyes narrow. “Peter is there something you want to tell me? Why do I get the impression you are hiding something.”

Peter realizes he has been caught. He knew he would come out with it anyway eventually, but when he did, he imagined it to be at a time he could reveal it to Edward himself.

Peter sighs.

“We need to talk.” Peter says luring Carlisle away from the training area and down along the water.

“Come on Peter out with it.”

He pulls out his wallet and takes out a small piece of paper. It is written in Italian.

Una volta ogni millennio un principe rinasce a governare come re.
Egli porta il dono della mente.
Egli domina la sua principessa, che รจ anche quella che lo protegge.

Carlisle translates the quote that is in Peter’s elegant script.

Once every millennium a prince is reborn to rule as king.
He bears the gift of the mind.
He dominates his Princess, who is also the one that protects him.

Carlisle looks back up at Peter with a glint in his eye and verbally speaks a quote of his own.

Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

“It’s not a fairytale.” Peter says defensively. “It is fate!”

“Ah, but Peter, they don’t have to know it.”

“And why not?”

“I never wanted Edward to have anything but happiness. I did not expect that my turning him would place this kind of responsibility on him, and at the time I only thought that very few people knew of  the significance of that extra pair of fangs! However I see that you have been doing a little historical research, or shall we say homework? Tell me, does Aro know?”

“Aro knows everything.”

“Ah. I thought so. I wonder if Edward would find this a betrayal by the one he made.”

“I did not betray him.”

“But you had to of learned of these things from Aro himself. There is no other vampire that knows of this.”

“Guess again.”

“What are you talking about?”

“There is but a King and a Prince that believe they rule over Italy.”

“Excuse me?”

“Aro is trying to out them. They are not the true rulers of our kind. He plans to show Edward everything and in time he also hopes that he will help him rid Volturra of the “Royal” family.”

“Aro has an ulterior motive.” Carlisle states.

“Yes I don’t doubt that.”

“So what is in it for you?” Carlisle asks, looking at him skeptically

“He is a Prince. He should be acknowledged as one. He is my maker and he gave me Charlotte. I owe him everything. I want to show him that my devotion is genuine. True.”

“Peter do you really believe that I don’t know my own son. Edward will not want to be a Prince. I would have thought you would have known that.”

“It isn’t something that should be tossed aside!!”

“It isn’t your choice to make.”

“And it isn’t yours Carlisle. He has to know!”

“How have you kept this from him?”

“He is my maker. How do you think?”


“Edward cannot hear the thoughts of those he makes unless we choose to allow him to.”

Carlisle stared at him his eyes widened when he realized.

“Peter! You of all people know that Aro will exploit that! Does Edward know this?”


“That is how Aro was able to get ahead of him on each mission!”


“If Alice’s visions are defective, and Edward can’t hear the thoughts of a vampire made of his own venom then that is how Aro knew about the mission! They have been following him the whole time!”

“But there are only a few of us that Edward has turned.”

“Peter, do you think that I am an idiot?”

“No sir.”

“Well then why don’t you tell me about a little drug laced with a certain vampire’s venom? I treated those girls that night! I know the scent of my own sons venom! What has he been doing?”

Peter froze and his world tilted on its axis. He couldn’t say the words out loud.


“He sold it.”



Carlisle closed his eyes and silently said a prayer.

© Robshandmonkey ~

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