Saturday, May 11, 2013


Hi everyone!

I felt that I needed to give all those a heads up as to what this girl is doing at the present time...

I know I have neglected my blog but I am working on a couple of things. 

I update my WIP's when I can but my focus is on my Novel Chimerical and The Prodigy. 

I am looking to get them published, will be revamping the website to introduce you all to what will be more professional work versus the fan fiction I have written in the past.

I estimate no more than a few months for both stories to ready for a publisher and then I will be finishing up my WIP's and diving into my next story. 

I truly hope all of you haven't given up on me...I will be announcing links to my new Author site's soon and those will be linked right back to this one so you will easily be able to navigate from here. 

I look forward to giving you my original work 

Thank You! 


1 comment:

  1. LOL, they are both very lucky guys. Is she not 18 Y.O. ? When she was in Charlie's Office, at the beginning, I was under the impression que she was 16 or 17 Y.O., not more, she feels like a child. And they are both 38, yes ?

    I know you wrote other stories, I have read some. They are great and it's the reason I read this one too, because I like your stories. But this one particularly, touch something in me, maybe because I have a daughter the age of your character, or something else, I don't know. It seems to me that your Bella is just a child and his father was not always by her side to protect her and preventing her for bad choice. For me neither Anthony nor Edward are good choices. Anyway, I picture Bella older and E + A younger and that will do.

    Maybe I'm not that openminded, after all. Sorry. Keep going. Have a nice and sunny Sunday.

    P.S. It's not possible to post a second review after your answer, so I post it here.

    P.S. 2 I totally share your opinion about Twilight and about Emancipation Proclamation far far better than Twilight. On ffn, or TWCS, or I don't know where else, they are a lot of much better fanfictions by unknows than Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

    P.S.3 please excuse me for the mystakes, english is not my first language
